Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery

40 years strong

Thanks to you, preventing child abuse isn’t just a goal—it’s happening now.

Together, we’re creating a safer today and a brighter future for children.

By the Numbers

Last year, YOU turned prevention into reality with:


  • • 1,840 calls were answered to deescalate a crisis
  • • 4,416 times children were safely tucked into bed (that’s a 50% increase and we’re still growing!)


  • 1,014 meetings with an Advocate to receive help
  • 396  times families welcomed us into their home for focused 1:1 sessions to learn positive parenting skills & create secure attachments


  • 13,248 meals to nurture growing bodies and minds
  • 4,483 service hours given by child care volunteers
  • 1 very special person (YOU)! You are part of a caring community of donors and volunteers that made the Nursery a reality for 4,594 children and families.

A proactive approach is key to prevention. With the right tools, guidance, and support, families can overcome challenges and create safe, nurturing environments where children can thrive.

What Strengthens a Family

Parent education, strengthening family bonds, and providing early intervention have been proven to reduce the incidence of abuse.

By addressing risk factors such as stress, isolation, and lack of resources, and by fostering protective factors like strong social networks, positive parenting skills, and access to community services, we can intervene before abuse occurs.

The Nursery’s crisis helpline, overnight respite care, and home visiting programs give parents the support they need to navigate the challenges of raising children, showing when we invest in families, we make a lasting impact on children’s lives.

Investing in Proven Strategies

Immediate support through our crisis hotline: A vital safety net, 1,840 calls were answered to de-escalate crises by providing guidance and resources in high-stress situations. Calls are tracking 10% higher for an estimated 2,000+ crisis helpline calls this year.

Consistent in-home support: 35 families received regular visits to strengthen their parent-child relationship and create safer, more stable home environments. By adding more staff, we will triple the number of families served in this program.

Problem solving with parents: Parents sat down with an Advocate more than 1,000 this past fiscal year, receiving critical connection to problem solve issues like housing, parenting skills, basic needs such as food and clothing, domestic violence, and access to healthcare for their children. Family Advocates continue to consult with parents daily to help meet their family’s basic needs.

A safe and loving space for children: Children were tucked into bed at the Nursery more than 4,416 times – that’s a 50% increase and we’re still growing! Children depend on adults in their life to provide consistently safe and engaging environments so they can grow up healthy and thriving. At the Nursery, children get to simply be children and not have to worry about the bigger issues happening at home.

Respite care is crucial for parents in crisis. When a parent feels overwhelmed, lacking the resources, energy, or support to care for their child, they turn to the Nursery. Thanks to your support, every family is greeted with compassion and acceptance. We provide a safe space for their child while working closely with the parents to build the support systems and access the resources they need, helping them move from crisis to stability.

Grateful for You

You are giving families a lifeline, so no parent is alone during their family’s time of crisis.
“My spouse and I are very appreciative of the positive, caring, and unjudgmental attitude. It is difficult to have to rely on strangers, but we’ve never felt anything but support and understanding from [the Nursery].”

Your giving makes it possible to answer every crisis call and say YES to every family that bravely asks for help to keep their children safe and strengthen their family. We’re grateful for you!

Every small action contributes to a larger wave of change. Make a gift today to help a child and together we’ll build a community where every child is safe, loved, and valued.