Cooking Up Snacks & Beats
Lazerbeak, a founding member and CEO of Doomtree Records spent the morning at the Nursery cooking up snacks and beats. Here’s his take on his morning at the Nursery:
Last month was National Child Abuse Prevention Month and the good folks at the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery hit me up to see about taking a tour of their facilities and teaching the kids how to make beats. The GMCN opened back in 1983 as a resource to parents in crisis needing safe and temporary care for their young children and has been at it every since. I rolled up in the morning and got to meet the wonderful staff and tour the grounds. Then I was put straight to work in the kitchen fixing up the morning snack: Peanut Butter Teddy Bear Toast.
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Crushed it.

I got to serve the kids and partake in snacktime before we headed to the activity center to bang out some beats. A few of these kids gave me a serious run for my money despite my overwhelming age advantage.

It’s always such an insane joy to see how positively children react to music. It only took a few minutes to get a serious dance party started up while everyone took turns hitting the drum pads.

I can’t thank the nursery enough for having me in and giving me a glimpse into their day-to-day operations. If you’re near the Twin Cities and have ever considered volunteering, I’d highly recommend hitting these guys up. They can always use volunteers to help prepare meals, lead activities, or even just spend time with the children. Learn all about that, as well as how you can send in clothing and toy donations, right HERE. And make sure to visit to learn how you can help prevent child abuse in MN.