Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery

crisis helpline 763 591 0100

Supporting the Whole Family

We use a two-generational approach which supports both the parent and child together.

With the guidance of Nursery staff, parents set social and emotional goals for their children while they’re staying at the Nursery. During this time, children are also learning important coping skills so they may address their emotions. Parents learn about their children’s development and receive insights and tools to help them support and understand their children’s behaviors. This strengthens the bond between parents and their children, ultimately creating a healthier dynamic overall and especially during times of heightened stress or crisis.

Parents learn new ways to reduce stress, acquire resources they can access to support their family, and find a supportive partner in the Nursery. This relationship continues as long as the family continues to need support.

Families facing multiple barriers, such as extreme poverty, single-parent households, homelessness, mental health concerns and substance abuse issues, may be invited to participate in our clinical home visiting and mental health program. This program entails meeting with a social worker weekly, for up to 18 months, to receive ongoing support as they work toward long-term goals to help their family thrive.

93% of parents reported the Nursery helped them gain a better understanding of child development

98% of parents reported they have strategies in place to keep themselves and their families safe